Whooping Cough Vaccinations
What is whooping cough?
Whooping cough is a bacterial infection that affects the lungs and airways making it difficult to breathe causing uncontrollable and often violent coughing fits. It is spread through airborne droplets that enter the air when an infected person coughs. Immunising against whooping cough is important as it can lead to pneumonia, brain damage and potentially death especially in babies who are too young to be vaccinated. Older children and adults are at less risk of serious complications, but can pass on whooping cough to young babies.
Who is at risk?
A whooping cough vaccination is an effective and safe vaccination that not only protects you but those around you including:
- Infants under 6 months of age are too young to be fully immunised and protected against whooping cough. Every year, over 200 infants are hospitalised with whooping cough and almost all whooping cough related deaths are in infants
- Adults and teenagers who have been immunised previously may still contract whooping cough and infect others as the vaccine protection wears off. If you haven’t had a whooping cough vaccine in the past 10 years and are in contact with infants, Australian guidelines recommend a booster dose
Who should be vaccinated?
- Adults of any age who want to reduce their chances of becoming sick with whooping cough, and haven’t received a whooping cough vaccine, should receive a booster dose
- All adults over 65 years of age should receive a booster dose every 10 years
- Pregnant women should receive a booster dose between 20 and 32 weeks during their pregnancy
- Adults who may be in contact with or carers of infants under 6 months of age and haven’t received a dose in the last 10 years should receive a booster dose
- If you are looking to travel overseas and haven’t had a whooping cough vaccination in the last 10 years you may require a booster. If you are travelling to a high-risk location, you may need a booster if you haven’t had a whooping cough vaccination in the last 5 years.
- Health care or childcare workers who have not had a vaccination in the last 10 years require a booster
Do I need a prescription?
No. Either book online or walk in for your $49.99 vaccination when convenient.
Click here to find your closest store or click below to make a booking.
*You will need to remain in the pharmacy for 15 minutes after the vaccination for observation. Vaccinations available at selected pharmacies only.