‘250,000 Australians are hospitalised each year, with another 400,000 presenting to emergency departments, because of medication errors, inappropriate use, misadventure and interactions between medications. 50% of this harm is preventable.’ (Pharmaceutical Society of Australia, "Medicine Safety: Take Care")
As 4 in 10 Australians over 50 take five or more medicines each day, it’s important to understand the role of medications prescribed, the side effects and potential issues relating to their interaction or duplication. Taking multiple medications can be confusing, especially when there are changes to your medicines such as when you are admitted to hospital.
Your friendly Malouf Pharmacist can assist with a fully government-funded medication check. During the consultation we will explain the role of each medication, identify any potential problems such as interactions or side effects and provide solutions to help make taking your medicines simpler. We can also review the correct usage of medical devices such as inhalers or blood glucose monitors and advise how to store medications. Medication packing services are also available to ensure medications are easily organised and the correct dosage followed.
What’s included in a free, 30 minute in-pharmacy medication check with your Malouf Pharmacist:
- Your pharmacist will talk through your medications and advise the role of each medication
- They will review each medication for side effects, interactions or duplication
- Discuss storage and their potential effect on other conditions
- Review usage of any other medical devises
Check if you are eligible for a government-funded medication check by talking with your Malouf Pharmacist. Eligibility criteria may include:
- Holding a current Medicare cardholder or Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) cardholder
- Have not received a Medication Check, Diabetes Medication Check, Home Medicines Review (HMR) or Residential Medication Management Review (RMMR) in the previous 12 months
- Live at home in a community setting and:
- Take five or more prescription medicines or
- Have recently experienced a significant medical event. Significant medical events are those events that have the potential to affect current medication adherence, understanding, or increase the risk of medication misadventure. This may include a new diagnosis, changes in health status, or medical interventions or
- Take a medication associated with a high risk of adverse events.
If you are unable to leave your house, take five or more regular medications or have several health conditions, you may be eligible for a home medicines review. This is a more comprehensive in-home review that will provide suggestions to improve the effectiveness and safety of medicines. A report is provided to your GP with recommendations to help minimise medication-related problems for you and your GP to review and action. A home review requires a referral from a GP, but your Malouf Pharmacist can help start the process.
Click the links below to book an in-pharmacy medication check today.